Level 2 in wine
Identify, describe and compare wine styles produced from the main local and international grape varieties, read and understand labels from the world’s major wine-growing regions, and give basic advice on choosing and serving wines.
WSET Level 2
672€ INCL. VAT
21 hours/3 days
Available languages
The WSET Level 2 takes place over 3 days and includes tasting a number of wines from around the world. Learn about the wines of the world’s greatest wine-growing regions, the factors influencing their quality and style, and the classic grape varieties. This is a particularly useful course to add to the CV of someone working in the sector, and will give you a good overall knowledge of the world’s wines. The course ends with a 50-question MCQ exam, and a minimum a minimum of 30 hours preparation is required.
Why take the WSET 2
Want to become a wine expert?
WSET 2 is the Wine and Spirit Education Trust’s intermediate qualification. This is Level 2 training. WSET 2 builds on the knowledge acquired in WSET 1 and provides an in-depth understanding of wines from around the world. After successfully completing this course, you’ll be able to taste a wine with greater precision, describe its style and quality, and explain how it was made.
Once you’ve completed WSET 2, you can apply for WSET3, one of the world’s most respected wine qualifications. This is your chance to take your wine knowledge to the next level and become a true wine expert.
Register for our WSET 2 training course today!
Number of wines tasted: 35 to 40.
21 hours – 3 days including 1 hour exam
We offer the WSET for a maximum of 15 participants.
Training and certification available in English, French or Chinese
module 1 . Learn about environmental factors and different viticultural practices, and their influence on wine style and quality.
1.identify the contribution of each part of a grape during vinification.
2. Identify the needs of the vine to produce grapes.
3. Identify the main stages of grape formation and ripening.
4. Describe the evolution of the components, aromas and flavors of a grape berry over time.
as it matures.
5. Describe the influence of environmental factors in the vineyard on ripeness and quality.
grape quality.
6. Describe the influence of grape maturity on wine style and quality.
7. Identify different viticultural practices.
8. Explain the main labelling terms relating to origin and legislation.
9. Explain labelling terms relating to vine age and different practices
module 2 . Understand the influence of winemaking and bottle ageing on wine style and quality.
1. Name the main stages in the alcoholic fermentation process.
2. Name the main stages in the winemaking processes used for red and rosé wines.
and white.
3. Explain the influence of winemaking options on wine style and quality.
4. Identify the main changes that occur during bottle ageing of a wine.
module 3. Understand the influence of environmental factors, different viticultural practices, vinification and bottle ageing on the style and quality of wines made from the main grape varieties.
1. Describe the characteristics of the main grape varieties.
2. Explain the influence of environmental factors and different viticultural practices on the characteristics of the main grape varieties.
3. Explain the influence of winemaking options on the style of wines produced from the main grape varieties.
4. Explain the influence of bottle ageing on the style of wines produced from the main grape varieties.
5. Describe the style and quality of wines produced from the main grape varieties in the specified GIs.
6. Compare the style and quality of wines produced from the main grape varieties, within and between the specified regions.
7. Explain the main labelling terms used to indicate the style and quality of wines made from the main grape varieties in each region.
module 4. Learn about the style and quality of wines produced from the main red and white grape varieties of each region.
1. Describe the characteristics of the main red and white grape varieties in each region.
2. Describe the style and quality of wines produced from the main local red and white grape varieties from the specified GIs.
3. Explain the labeling terms indicating the style and quality of wines produced from the main red and white grape varieties of each region.
module 5. Understand the influence of the production process on the style of sparkling and fortified wines.
1. Identify the main grape varieties used to produce the main styles of sparkling wine.
2. List the main stages in the winemaking processes used to produce sparkling and fortified wines.
3. Name the main GIs associated with sparkling and fortified wines.
4. Describe the style of the specified sparkling and fortified wines.
5. Explain the labeling terms indicating style and quality associated with sparkling and fortified wines.
module 6 . Understand the basic principles and practices of wine storage and service, as well as food and wine pairing.
1. Identify the ideal conditions and methods for preserving wine.
2. Indicate the recommended serving temperature according to the type and style of wine.
3. Describe the correct way to open and serve wine.
4. Explain how the most common defects affect a wine’s aromas and flavors.
5. Identify the main interactions between food and wine.
- Face-to-face
- E-learning option (English only)
- Registration 1 month in advance
Target audience and prerequisites
- General public
- WSET level 1 knowledge or equivalent
- Be of legal age.
- Be able to read and understand French
- Anyone can register for the WSET course
Teaching methods
Active and participative teaching methods with course application:
- Setting the scene
- Indoor quiz
- Case studies
- Training support documents projected in the classroom
- Access to a digital space dedicated to training
Certification validation
50-question MCQ in 1 h
- 55% of answers must be correct to validate the diploma.
- Copies are sent and corrected in London.
Results are sent at least 4 weeks later by e-mail and the diploma by post.
Candidates who fail the exam can retake it at a later session, at an additional cost.
Successful candidates will be able to describe and compare the styles of wine produced from the main local and international grape varieties, read and understand the labels of the world’s major wine-growing regions, and give basic advice on wine selection and consumption.
wine service. They will also be familiar with the principles governing the tasting and evaluation of
wines and will be able to put them into practice in business areas such as sales and marketing.
or customer service in the hospitality, retail and wholesale sectors. It is also useful for wine enthusiasts wishing to deepen their knowledge.
Path sequences
Candidates will be able to go on to WSET Level 3 in Wine and FWS (French Wine Scholar).
Our key figures
Trainees in 2022
Successful completion of WSET
Hours of training in 2022
Up-to-date website
Our trainers
Frédéric V. : WSET Trainer
Currently studying for an MBA at ESCP Paris.
He is an entrepreneur, founder of a wine import company, author of ” Le vin pour ceux qui n’y connaissent rien ” a columnist for the specialized press, and a member of wine-tasting committees.
He teaches wine and spirits for the WSET with energy and conviviality.
Sophie P. : WSET Trainer
With an MBA and WSET level 3 diploma, Sophie is a cellar manager.
Quadrilingual with a taste for traveling to wine-producing countries, his desire to pass on his passion for wine has led him to take on WSET training courses.
Annabelle M. : WSET Trainer
Dualist from the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin in Bordeaux and WSET Level 4 graduate, she has been working as a winemaker, wine journalist, caviste, sommelier and wine and spirits trainer in France and Australia for the past 6 years.
The referents
Sarah Z. : Handicap Referent
Tel: 07 68 44 27 23 / 01 88 61 78 95
Mail: accueilPSH@butler-academy.com
Sarah welcomes and accompanies all people with disabilities.
For any request to adapt our training offer, she will be at the heart of the organization and the link with our partners and referents dealing with the subject of disability.
Samuel G. : President
Tel: 01 88 61 78 90
Mail: commercial@butler-academy.com
Samuel answers all questions relating to company organization, accounting and suppliers.
Aurélie R. : Training Manager
Tel : 01 88 61 78 95
Mail: contact@butler-academy.com
Aurélie and the training referent for trainees, manages, companies and trainers.
She listens to everyone’s feedback and problems, and makes every effort to propose appropriate content.
Our other WSET training courses
WSET Level 1
234€ INCL. VAT
7 hours/ 1 day
Available languages
WSET Level 3
995€ INCL. VAT
35 hours/ 5 days
Available languages
650€ INCL. VAT
14 hours / 2 days
Available languages
WSET 2 preparation
456€ INCL. VAT
7 hours/ 1 day individual
Available languages
WSET 3 preparation
306€ INCL. VAT
190€ incl. VAT for WSET students
7 hours / 1 day
Available languages
WSET Level 1 in Sake
342€ INCL. VAT
7 hours/ 1 day
Available languages
WSET Level 3 in Sake
858€ INCL. VAT
21 hours/3 days
Available languages
215€ INCL. VAT
7 hours
Available languages
400€ INCL. VAT
30 hours
Available languages
665€ INCL. VAT
100 hours
Available languages
Our headquarters
28 rue de Chambéry 75015 Paris
Contact education department
Email: contact@butler-academy.com
Phone: 01 80 91 61 82
Fax: 01 80 91 60 75