Training objective
HACCP food hygiene
600€ INCL. VAT
2 days / 14 hours
Available languages
Hygiene is more than ever at the heart of maintaining your business and customer satisfaction.
In this HACCP training Our experts will help you acquire the skills you need to organize and manage your business under hygienic conditions in line with the expectations of the European Food Safety Authority. HACCP regulations and customer satisfaction.
As a reminder, Article L.233-4 of the French Rural and Maritime Fishing Code stipulates the obligation to have personnel trained in HACCP standards in the field of food hygiene in commercial catering establishments in the traditional, cafeteria, self-service and fast-food sectors.
The regulations therefore call for all your restaurant staff to be trained in HACCP measures and methods, and for a system to be set up within your establishment, including a concrete action plan to ensure food safety and compliance with hygiene procedures.
Why take HACCP training?
HACCP is an international standard for guaranteeing food safety. It aims to reduce the risks of food poisoning and contamination. So consumers can eat with confidence. HACCP training is therefore essential for anyone wishing to work in the food service sector and learn about food safety standards, measures and best practices. It teaches techniques for controlling and preventing food safety hazards.
Food safety hazards can be divided into three categories:
- Microbiological hazards
- Physicochemical hazards
- Hazards arising from human activity
Microbiological hazards include the presence in food and beverages of pathogenic micro-organisms responsible for diseases such as salmonella. Physicochemical hazards are linked to toxic substances that may be present in foodstuffs, such as certain pesticides and nitrates used in agriculture. Finally, hazards arising from human activity are linked to the handling of food and drink, for example.
Butler Academy, a food service trainer, offers you the opportunity to learn the practices and methods needed to apply and implement sanitary protocols that comply with current regulations. You can take this training course individually, or offer it to your staff, to help them acquire the right hygiene measures and avoid food and hygiene-related hazards.
This training can be paid for by the CPF, and this certification is accessible to all your teams and all levels. The course is not available online or by distance learning, but you can take part directly at our premises in Paris and Caen.
Course material
Training registered with ROFHYA Ile de France
Immediate delivery of your specific food hygiene certificate at the end of the course
2 days / 14 hours
In-house training available in France or abroad
Can be paid for by the CPF
We provide training for a maximum of 12 people.

Training available in English or French
module 1 . Identify the main principles of regulations relating to commercial catering:
- identify and allocate operator responsibilities;
- know the obligations of result (some obligations of means) ;
- know the contents of the sanitary control plan ;
- understand the need for and organization of self-checks.
module 2 . Analyze the risks associated with poor hygiene in commercial catering:
- identify and reason about physical, chemical and biological hazards ;
- to reason about food poisoning and the risks of microbial spoilage ;
- be aware of the risks of seizure, fines and closure ;
- be aware of the risks of negative communication, media coverage and loss of customers.
module 3. Implement hygiene principles in commercial catering:
- use the sector’s Guide to Good Hygiene Practice (GBPH);
- organize food production and storage in hygienic conditions;
- implement the necessary preventive measures.
- Face-to-face
- Registration 1 week in advance
Target audience and prerequisites
Hotel, restaurant and event staff.
- General public
Teaching methods
Individualized training.
Active and participative teaching methods with course application:
- Setting the scene
- Indoor quiz
- Case studies
- Training support documents projected in the classroom
- Access to a digital space dedicated to training
Certification validation
- Assessment of skills by MCQ
- How to obtain the “Butler Academy” internal certificate: 70% of answers must be correct to validate the certificate.
- At the end of the training course, beneficiaries will receive a specific food hygiene certificate specifying the nature, knowledge and duration of the training.
Our key figures
Trainees in 2022
Successful completion of WSET
Hours of training in 2022
Up-to-date website
The referents
Sarah Z. : Handicap Referent
Tel: 07 68 44 27 23 / 01 88 61 78 95
Sarah welcomes and accompanies all people with disabilities.
For any request to adapt our training offer, she will be at the heart of the organization and the link with our partners and referents dealing with the subject of disability.
Samuel G. : President
Tel: 01 88 61 78 90
Samuel answers all questions relating to company organization, accounting and suppliers.
Aurélie R. : Training Manager
Tel : 01 88 61 78 95
Aurélie and the training referent for trainees, manages, companies and trainers.
She listens to everyone’s feedback and problems, and makes every effort to propose appropriate content.
Our headquarters
28 rue de Chambéry 75015 Paris
Contact education department
Phone: 01 80 91 61 82
Fax: 01 80 91 60 75